Just Moved

We live in Galway, Ireland and situated Romero Games Ltd. in city centre. We were at our first location for two years and, because our team size grew, we needed a bigger place. We looked at several places we could get in addition to the office we were already in because we really loved our first office – it was nice and cozy.

Luckily, while we were looking at extra space, a new building appeared on the market and the first day it was available we checked it out and immediately locked it in. So, several months later after much lawyering around, we got our lease, we packed up the entire old office, and moved everything to the new place. Even though we loved our first office, this new building was much bigger. We used to have half of a floor in a building, and now we have all three floors of a new one – much nicer for our growing team.

With all this moving I have found even more games and collectibles that I can put up on eBay for sale. Yesterday I put five items up and tweeted about them. One is a copy of DOOM 2 with 3.5" disks.

I'm currently playing Thimbleweed Park and, by 90's point-and-click-verb/noun standards, it's the best there ever was. The Secret of Monkey Island is a very tough contender because of the pirate theme, but with the character switching, playing through flashbacks, and the quality level overall, I'd say TWP is the best. Full Throttle and Grim Fandango are incredbile games that innovated beyond the verb/noun clicking and are in a class of their own. I wouldn't compare TWP to those games just like I wouldn't compare TWP to King's Quest – they're too different, even in the Adventure genre.

Now that The Witness is on iOS I'm playing that game as well. I love the navigation style – it really makes traversing a 3D environment easy for touch-screens. It's a simple premise with really fun puzzles.
